First Bell STD 6 October 14 തുടർപ്രവർത്തനം and Worksheets

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ഇന്നത്തെ ക്‌ളാസ് കണ്ടോ കൂട്ടുകാരെ? എല്ലാവർക്കും ക്‌ളാസ് ഇഷ്ടമായോ? എങ്കിൽ അതുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ചില പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ ചെയ്താലോ? തയാറാണോ എല്ലാവരും?

What is meant by goods?
Goods are things that are tangible and visible and are used to satisfy human wants.
Eg: Pen, Book,Table, paper, Mask,Sanitizer, etc.
What is meant by service?
Services also satisfy human wants but are intangible and invisible.
Eg: Labourers, Transporters, Teachers, doctors, bank officers etc.
What is production?
Production is the process of creating goods and services to satisfy human wants. Product is result of the production process.
What are the stages involving in producing paddy?
*Sowing seeds/planting seedlings
*Collecting rice grains
What are the factors involved in the process of paddy production?
*Natural resources(land,water,soil,.......)
*Man-made goods
(fertilizers,seeds,agricultural equipments......)
Describe a short description about the factors and process involved in textbook production as the text is your favourite product.
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