Rural Community

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SS6 U11
    Given above is a picture drawn by Meena, an eleven-year old girl. The theme of the drawing is her village. Observe the picture carefully. What are the peculiar features of the lifestyles she has depicted? List them.
    Activities related to agriculture
    # Transplanting seedlings.
    # Pounding paddy
    # Cutting grass and thatching with it.
    # Rearing of hens and ducks.

    Other Activities
    # A bullock cart is moving with load.
    # Childrens flying kites.
    # A meeting under the tree.
    # Giving food to another man.

    List the major features of a rural community.
    ➢ Simple dress and life style.
    ➢ Life based on agriculture.
    ➢ Keep face to face relationship.
    ➢ Traditional jobs and joint family system.
    ➢ Villagers give importance to neighbourhood relationship.
    ➢ Festivals has a great place in village life.

    What are the feachers of a traditional rural society?
    # People of rural areas are close to each other and know each other.
    # Their clothings are simple and so are their lifestyles.
    # Agriculture and allied activities are the important occupation of traditional rural communities.
    # Cattle rearing and handicrafts are also their means of living.
    # Joint family system had great importance in traditional villages.
    # Many rural joint families had their own traditional occupations undertaken by their clan.
    # Villages give importance to neighbourhood relations. They share and care for each other's happiness and sorrow. Generally all of them take part in rituals and festivals.
    # Villagers help others and cooperate with each other.
    # Festivals have a great place in the village life. Harvest festivals were the major celebrations in the villages.

    Occupations that were prevalent in villages
    # Pottery
    # Cattle rearing
    # Agricultural works
    # Basket making
    # Metal works
    # Mat making
    # Making pappads
    # Small Business
    # Small shopes
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    SS6 U11

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