The Fight

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The fisherman reached home and called his wife in excitement. ‘See, who's there in it!’ He showed her the mirror.
She looked eagerly into it. She saw the face of a woman in it.
‘Oh, my mother! She looks so young!’ She was thrilled. ‘Where did you get this thing from?’ ‘Mother! Whose mother?’
The fisherman turned the mirror towards his face.
‘It's my father.’
She grabbed the mirror from him and looked into it again.
‘Are you joking ? It’s my mother!’ she cried out. The man was annoyed and snatched the mirror from her hands. He looked at it again to assure himself that it was his father.
‘There’s something wrong with you. You’re going crazy. I’ll never show you this again,’ he said. His wife tried to grab the mirror from him. The fisherman held on to it. They started battling for the mirror. The mirror fell down on the floor and broke into pieces. They stopped fighting and looked at the pieces. The pieces reflected their images.

# EXCITEMENT = A feeling of being excited, or an exciting event
Robin's heart was pounding with excitement.
# GRABBED = To take hold something or someone suddenly
He grabbed his child's arm to stop her from running to the road.
# ANNOYED = Angry
I was so annoyed with him for turning up late.
# SNATCHED =To take hold of something suddenlyand roughly.
He snached my photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them.
# CRAZY = Stupid or not sensible
It is a crazy idea.
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